Jasmine Leung

梁皓琳毕业于香港高等教育科技学院(THEi)环境及设计学院,主修时装设计(荣誉)文学士,现于Limelight Costume Service Limited工作。她主要为剧院、娱乐表演和主题公园制作服装。

梁皓琳曾先后于THEi毕业时装表演2019及由千色裁艺主办、金利来集团有限公司赞助的「千色时装设计比赛2018」中获得季军。此外,并曾入选2019和 2021年度「Redress设计大赛」准决赛及由 CINDYALAN主办的「裁出天地亚洲时装设计大赛」的总决赛。


Jasmine achieved a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Fashion Design from the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) Faculty of Design and Environment and currently working as a production coordinator at Limelight Costume Service Limited. And, she is majorly creating costume for theatre, entertainment show and theme park.

She was awarded the 2nd Runner Up in THEi graduation fashion show 2019 and Splendid Fashion Design Competition 2018. Also, she was shortlisted as the semi-finalist of the Redress Design Award 2019 and 2021.And she also is the finalist in the Future Cut Fashion Design Competition Asia.

Jasmine seeks inspiration mainly from art, history and cultural things to create her feminine and contemporary style.