Johnson Chong

毕业于诺丁汉特伦特大学时装设计一级荣誉,增参与多个国际大型时装比赛及获得国际认可,亦曾于不同时装品牌担任设计工作。 设计师擅长以时装性,实用性及功能性为核心设计风格,并以户外及露营用家的角度而设计一系列衣服。

Graduated with first-class honors in Nottingham Trent University fashion design. He has participated in many international large-scale fashion competitions and gained international recognition. He has also worked in different fashion brands. Design work. Designers are good at fashion, practicality and functionality as the core design style, and design a series of clothes from the perspective of outdoor and camping users.