曾在世界各个不同地方留学,居住和工作的时装设计师Glori Tsui,深信凡事都没有绝对。每个人都值得拥有一套独特的方法去展现属于自己的美学和人生态度。身为一位设计师,Glori坚持产品需要内外兼备,除了设计吸引的外观,亦需要同时赋予内涵和意义给产品。

Glori 于2012年成立了个人时装及饰物品牌Methodology, 品牌理念强调每样产品都没有绝对的穿戴方法。鼓励客人利用Methodology饰物系列中可以拆卸、重组的设计特点来寻找适合自己的个人风格和穿戴方法。 2016 年品牌饰品系列获得到亚洲最具影响力设计铜奖。并于世界各地不同的百货公司和零售热点 合作;包括连卡佛, Harvey Nichols, 伊势丹百货和老佛爷百货等。

除了担任时尚品牌Methodology 主脑角色外,Glori 亦会不定期和不同的品牌和机构有设计上的合作。 Glori 喜爱动脑筋, 喜爱鬼马有趣新旧事物。每日努力生活和创作,只为不成为地球上的一件垃圾。

Glori Tsui is a Hong Kong based designer who had studied, worked and lived in various cities around the world. Glori believes there are no absolution in things.Everyone should have their own way to express their own unique esthetics and lifestyle. As a designer, Glori asserts that a product can only be good while it is both internally externally appealing.

Glori launched her fashion and accessories label, Methodology in 2012. Methodology suggested that there are no certain ways to wear its product. With the detachable and transformable design and creativity, various possibilities and style could be created. In 2016, Methodology’s accessories collection earned bronze award from Design for Asia Award. Methodology has also worked with many remarkable department stores around the world such as Lane Crawford, Harvey Nichols Hong Kong, Galleries Lafayette Beijing, Isetan Japan., etc