About Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association (HKFDA)

协会成立于1984年,是一个属于自负盈亏的非弁利机构。其创办人均是成就出众的资深时装设计师,不但 对时装设计充满热诚并付于力行,为推动本地时装设计而创办本协会;借此凝聚时装界精英,发挥业界力。因此被公认香港具领导地位的时装机构之一,与其他主要机构和团体携手推动设计业。与此同时,协 会在中国和亚太区亦肩负推动香港时装设计的任务,从而协助、成就本土时装设计师于本土与海外的发 展。其中最为人津津乐道的协会盛事,首选“香港杰出衣着人士选举”及“大型时装汇演”。除此以外,协会近 年亦在创意香港的支持下策划了多项特色活动。

协会于2010年上海举行的“香港.时装视野”展览,为香港特区政府在上海世界博览会的其中一项点活动之 一。其后创意香港赞助协会将“香港.时装视野”展览移师至香港文化博物馆举行。 2012年则携手丹⻨时装协会,于尖沙咀海滨⻓廊举办“世界时尚天桥之最2012”。2016年于CENTRE STAGE中举办汇演“Fashion Mirage”,紧接着更于台北华山1914文化创意产业园举办大型展览及汇演 “UNZIP创意 香港时装⻛尚.台北2016”。 2017年,为庆祝香港回归祖国二十周年,协会于金钟添⻢公园呈献大型时尚与音乐跨界汇演 “JUXTAPOSED Fashion x Music 2017”,以维多利亚港的迷人夜色作背景,搭建闪亮的银球舞台。2018 年,“JUXTAPOSED Fashion x Music”选址于大馆举行,75位香港时装设计师精心杰作穿梭展现于音乐表演 嘉宾多元化的乐曲之中。 “JUXTAPOSED 2020”展览及期间限定店于中环置地广场中庭上映,展示了75位 本地设计精英的作品及开设了两间期间限定店,推广本地设计之余更提供给大众结合线上与实体的购物体 验。 “JUXTAPOSED 2022 Fashion x Meta” 更与香港创科单位及制作团队合作,采用先进专利技术,配合精心装置的展场,带来香港首个全方位虚拟时装表演。


HKFDA was founded in 1984 by a group of successful and enthusiastic local fashion designers. As a non- profit making and self-financed organization, it aims to unite fashion designers, with both professionalism and expertise, to develop and better both their careers and the industry within and beyond the territory. Reputed as an official unit of Hong Kong fashion elites who provides excellent services with expertise, it is recognized as one of the leading fashion institutions in the region.

Besides the most renowned events; The 10 Best Dressed Personalities Award and The Gala Fashion Show, HKFDA had initiated many special projects with the support from CreateHK in recent years. Amongst them are the “Fashion Visionaries 2010” in Shanghai Expo and “Fashion Visionaries 2011” Exhibition and Show at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. “The World’s Greatest Catwalk 2012” was held in iconic Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade and in 2016, HKFDA organized the “Fashion Mirage” Show in Centre Stage followed by the “UNZIP Creativity Hong Kong Fashion in Taipei 2016” at Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Taipei.

“JUXTAPOSED Fashion x Music” took place at Tamar Park in 2017 with an impressive setting of the Victoria Harbour as its backdrop. “JUXTAPOSED Fashion x Music 2018” took place at Tai Kwun, a “music box” like fashion stage showing works from 75 Hong Kong fashion designers paraded in the show together with live music performers from different genres. “JUXTAPOSED 2020 Exhibition x Pop Up” was held in Landmark Atrium, exhibiting the works of 75 local elite fashion designers and together with 2 popup shops, promoted diversified integration and combining physical and online shopping experiences. “JUXTAPOSED 2022 Fashion x Meta” collaborated with local innovative and high-tech production teams, adopted a state-of-the-art patented technology to host the city’s first 360-degree virtual fashion show at the exhibition venue.

By fusing fashion with different elements, JUXTAPOSED created a dynamic interaction to cross inspire and to spark different industries and their creative talents. This event is surely a notable and fantastic collaboration, a true celebration of Hong Kong design style and culture.