Harley Ng

吴芷君(KWAN.N) 于诺丁汉特伦特大学(Nottingham Trent University)修读时装设计学位课程。

在“JUXTAPOSED 2023”展出的作品来自她的学位毕业作品“雌雄同体”(Hermaphrodite) 和高中毕业作品“几何与线条”(Geometry and Line)。


你可以在她的图表中看到“娘娘腔”(Sissy),“南希男孩”(Nancy Boy),“同性恋”(Gay),“安全”(Security),“娘娘腔”(Shemale)和“娘娘腔”(Effeminate)几个词,这些词是从LGBTQ受访者的观点中收集的。这些词总是影响他们 / 不喜欢别人叫他们那些绰号。此外,图案也有多字,使用旋转,反射和反转将其放在图案上,以创建图形。

另外,是次JUXTAPOSED 2023展出的系列为其高级文凭作品,主题是几何与线条,灵感来自毕加索的绘画「Maya with Her Doll」和我们的身体,以设计过程来探索人体结构和几何之间的关系。她喜欢勾勒人类的面部和身体线条来进行设计,创作充满线条感的图案,因此毕加索画作中带有线条的人脸成为其此系列的创作灵感来源。

Ng Tsz Kwan ( KWAN.N ) is a degree student who studying Fashion Design in Nottingham Trent University (NTU).

The pieces exhibiting in “JUXTAPOSED 2023” came from her degree final year project “Hermaphrodite”, and high diploma graduation collection “Geometry and Line”.

First, “Hermaphrodite” is displaying in the exhibition, that is her degree final year project which aims to create a contemporary balance workplace uniform with daily wearing between classical Menswear Tailored and Womenswear. And the products can provide comfort and support to customers, especially LGBTQ. That is more comprehensive than previous projects. As she already knows what design purpose and responsibility is.

You can see several words “Sissy”, “Nancy Boy”, “Gay”, “Security”, “Shemale” and “Effeminate” in her graphic, which had been collected from interviewees’ views. Those words always impact them/ do not like people calling them those nicknames. In addition, the patterns also have multi-words, which used rotation, reflection and inversion to put that on the patterns to create a graphic.

Besides, “Geometry and Line” is inspired by Picasso’s painting “Maya with Her Doll” and the human body, aimed to explore the relationship between human structure and geometry through the design process. She likes to outline human face and body lines for design, to create a sense of alignment. Therefore, the human faces with lines in Picasso’s paintings brought her huge inspiration for this collection.