Judy Soo


其作品涉及广泛领域,2018绘画作品曾参与中国服装设计师协会时装插画展,2018参与文创类节目《上新了故宫》第六期拍摄并参与故宫博物院文创产品小米耳机设计,2019大足石刻创意时装插画银奖,2019男装作品参与学院男装秀刊登VOGUE、BAZAAR等平台,2021西班牙品牌CAMPER鞋履设计银奖,2021可持续再设计作品登《OBSCURA》一月电子刊,参与2021香港大型选秀节目《全民造星IV》服装造型,2021香港叱咤乐坛流行榜颁奖典礼服装造型,作品荣登2021国际时尚杂志《Sicky》十月电子刊,2022香港歌手Lester Chong庄正唱片封面服装设计,及歌手Fire韩亚光宣传照服装设计,与数码艺术家Ruby9100m合作作品荣登2022 《BAZAAR》3-4月电子刊。

Su Xing, Judy Soo graduated from Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology with a Bachelor degree and a Master degree from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Served as a research assistant in the digital fashion project of Artificial Intelligence Design laboratory, and is currently a PhD student in digital fashion at ITC, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Su Xing’s design works are in diverse fields. Her paintings have won multiple awards, published as illustration collections and participated in exhibitions hosted by the China Designers Association. The fashion design collections has been published in magazines including BAZAAR, SICKY, OBSCURA etc.. Meanwhile, her collection was participated in the recording of the Hong Kong talent show “King Maker IV”, the Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation, and the shooting of several singers’ promotional videos. In addition, she also collaborated with brands such as The Palace Museum, Xiao mi, Camper, B.Base etc, on product design for glasses, headphones and shoes.