拥有敏锐洞察力的香港设计师 Kevin Ho,一直醉心于设计具有前卫美学的女装。他毕业于伦敦时装学院,主修女装设计,毕业后返回香港拓展事业,并迅速获得业界的认可。这位年轻的设计师在香港青年时装设计家创作表演赛中,摘得派对及晚装组别的桂冠。他于2015年推出同名服装品牌 KEVIN HO,曾代表香港设计师参加第四届 Asia Fashion Collection,并于东京、纽约和台北时装周一展风采,更于2017年荣膺 Hong Kong Fashion Council 颁发的「年度设计奖」。

Founded in 2015, KEVIN HO is grounded in an appreciation for structure and femininity. Focused on womenswear, the designs express individuality and modernity through striking silhouettes and bright, contrasting colours that capture the uniqueness of the wearer. Balancing power and gentleness, each piece is crafted for those who appreciate the arts in all their forms. The Hong Kong-based label has been showcased at Tokyo, New York and Taipei Fashion Weeks and has been featured in Vogue Italia, GQ China, ELLE, Marie Claire and Milk Magazine.