
王韬棋毕业于香港理⼯⼤学纺织及制衣学系的针织设计学科学⼠学位,⼀直于香港⽣活的他热爱将⽇常⽣活碎⽚融入其以针织品为主的设计当中。其于「YDC 2017-香港⻘年时装设计师⼤赛」中获奖后成立男装品牌 – KowloonCityBoy.


Toki has graduated with a Bachelors degree from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Toki’s design was cultivated by elements of Hong Kong and is especially keen on delivering knitwear. Toki began his journey in YDC 2021 which is an annual event where young fashion designers work together and present their artwork to the public. His collection was selected as one of the winner of YDC2021. Toki’s design is not only made for fashion shows but is also displayed as a brand that targets at people on the street. His brand hits audience globally especially in Asian area. While developing his brand, Toki was engaged to be the designated stylist designer for the Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation. He is now an co-founder who focuses on his brand – KowloonCityBoy.