Natalie Wan

温孝滢毕业于香港高等教育科技学院(THEi)时装设计系,主修针织设计。2019年,她获得Chemtax (STOLL) x THEi针织鞋设计比赛及Merino Wool Shoes Award冠军,并入围了THEi毕业表演2021。她的设计灵感⼤多来⾃不同类型的艺术,Natalie希望都市⼈能够放慢脚步,享受身边的艺术作品。


Natalie Wan, a graduate from the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong(THEi), specialising in knitwear design. She was the champion of the Merino Wool Shoes Award and Chemtax (STOLL) x THEi Knitted Footwear Design Competition 2019 and also the finalist of the THEi Graduation Show 2021. Most of her designs are inspired by art. Natalie hopes people in the city can slow down their pace and enjoy the art around us.

She takes knitwear design as her major, enjoys designing unique fabric and developing her own textile patterns with her buddies, the Stoll Flat Knitting Machine and V-bed knitting machine. Sometimes, she paints and transforms the artwork into knitted pieces and makes different chunky knitting patterns through testing. Natalie also loves applying different craftsmanship, such as crochet, embroidery and dying in textile development and her design as she believes this is a blessing being put into the garments.