Rain Ko

Rain Ko 毕业于香港知专设计学院,主修时装设计针织科,并于2021年在诺丁汉特伦特大学进修时装设计。

是次列的主题是「Rattan”」,灵感来自 Versace 2020 秋季成衣系列。 Versace使用了粉色、黄色和蓝色作为主题色,Rain Ko 也是如此。 此外,她使用钩针编织来呈现这些时髦的颜色,并使用这种技术钩编一件类似牛仔布料的外套。除了钩针编织,她还使用混合编织技术,希望通过这种设计来表达针织和梭织可以完美地搭配使用及呈现在服装作品上。

Rain Ko graduated from Hong Kong Design Institute in fashion design knitwear and furthered her fashion design study at Nottingham Trent University in 2021.

The theme of this Collection is “Rattan,” which is inspired by the Versace Fall 2020 ready- to- wear collection. Versace used pink, yellow and blue as the theme color, and so does Rain Ko. She uses crochet to present these fancy colors and uses this technique to crochet a denim-like jacket. Mixed woven techniques are applied as well. Throughout the collection, Rain hopes to show knitted and woven techniques can be perfectly applied and showed on a clothing works at the same time.