Raphael Leung

梁雅靖毕业于香港科技高等教育学院(THEi),亦是 2022 年毕业时装秀其中一位入围者。她习惯从周遭、大自然、艺术和文化中抽取灵感,在设计中透过利用强烈和高对比度的颜色去表达她的想法。当疾病的大流行促使她重新考虑生活的步伐,生活的节奏以及发掘过去生活步伐过分急促的原因,使她期望通过作品反映自我。因此,令她受到启发去创作这个系列「彳亍」。

Raphael graduated from the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong(THEi) and was one of the shortlisted designers to present in the 2021 graduation fashion show. She draws inspirations from the surroundings, nature, arts and culture and likes using strong and high contrast colour to express the idea through her designs. Once the pandemic hits, she got plenty of time to reflect on the rhythm of life and the reason underlying the chase of a fast-paced life. And this is how she got her inspiration for the collection the unfinished journey.