Vince Leung

梁逸龙是来自香港的时装和珠宝设计师。最近毕业于香港理工大学,并取得时装设计硕士学位。于过去六年先后于香港浸会大学持续教育学院和香港高等教育科技学院学习与实践珠宝和时装配饰设计。在本港多元文化背景的薰陶下,他的创作灵感往往来自本地文化特色与故事。作品曾在不同场合展出,例如「文化葫芦 x『港文化.港创意』客家文化展览2017」、「《吾土吾情》香港中式长衫制作技艺分享暨长衫表演2018」,甚至是在北京举行的「口传心授:香港非物质文化遗产展览2018」。此外,他希望能够透过创作探索存在于这个世界不同形式、独一无二的「魅力」,以推动本地文化的可持续发展。

Vince Leung is a fashion and jewellery designer based in Hong Kong. Recently graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a master’s degree in fashion and textile. He has studied Jewellery design and Accessories design for the past six years at SCE of Hong Kong Baptist University and Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong. Raised in such a multi-cultural city, his creations are often inspired by local culture and stories. His works have participated in several exhibitions like “H.A.D x Hulu Culture Exhibition 2017”, “Hong Kong Heritage- Cheongsam Fashion Show 2018”, and even “The Oral Legacies: Intangible Cultural Heritage of the HKSAR Exhibition 2018” held in Beijing. Moreover, he hopes to explore different forms of “glamour” through his creations, to promote and preserve the precious culture of Hong Kong.