设计师韩磊毕业于北京服装学院,2015年与大学同窗王炫昌在深圳共同创立时装品牌 DAMOWANG。品牌取自设计师绰号大魔王的谐音,继而打出时尚大魔王的旗号。

韩磊擅长对面料的专研和把控,善于运用面料的二次开发,在传统中寻求变化,通过萃取时尚的碎片,运用经典的元素和潮流的概念,将复古的浪漫情怀与现代人生活需求相结合,凸显后工业时代个性的美学观点和文化品位。他认为时尚本 身的使命就是与我们现实的生存环境之间发生强 烈的关系,并形成一种强大的引力,且永远处于进行时。

一直以来,DAMOWANG秉承新潮复古、文艺摩登的品牌理念,并以“武侠”这一中国近代非常具有代表性的文化作为载体,不过分将东西方元素区别看待,融合时下的潮流变化,塑造当代独立女性摩登的造型和自信的气质。武侠与武侠 里的境界,在武侠当中亦没有固定界限。设计师做到了不仅仅用中国元素作为表面的嫁接,而是用去符号化的呈现内在气质。

Han Lei, who graduated from Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, established fashion brand DAMOWANG in 2015 in Shenzhen china, cooperating with his friend Alex. Wang.

Han Lei is skilled in fabrics researching and secondary development, and always seeking changes in the tradition. He has been adhering to neoclassical design concepts, combining retro-romantic elements with the needs of modern people’s lives. It has created a new and individual aesthetic. Han Lei believes that the mission of fashion itself is to always have a strong relationship with our real living environ- ment and to form a powerful gravitational force.

DAMOWANG have been drawing influence from WU XIA, a representative culture seen in modern China. There is no fixed boundary between WU XIA and the realm in which it resides. DAMOWANG’s design is a fusion of the Chinese element of external grafting with the inner temperament devoid of symbolism where image and entity are intertwined.