Gary Tsang

Gary Tsang 曾志豪本身是一位时尚设计师、品牌顾问,亦是跨媒体创作人、插画师,在香港及内地也展出过不同的设计及艺术展覧。同时既于热爱运动的性格,更曾是代表香港参加专业山地车比赛的专业运动员,运动与时尚的设计感觉,便成为Gary Tsang 的标志性设计风格之一,也因此已为多间著名品牌及机构合作。于澳大利亚和英国主修时装设计和推广,曾经加入多个国际时装品牌工作,主力于时尚服饰、休闲服和运动服。拥有不同实战经验的跨媒体创作者,Gary Tsang 为客户提供 360 度的设计支援,从市场概念至品牌企划,产品开发,推广,都能满足客户多角度需求。创意概念是一种想像力,然而除幻想外,设计师的生活态度和喜好,也随年累月地深深植入其脑袋中,形成一种无限大的创造力,走进设计的产品当中,形成独一无二的风格。Gary Tsang,便是一位这样的跨媒体创作人。作品先后获得多个国际奖项,如全球设计大奖(2011、2016)、香港赛马会最具创意设计项目设计大奖、香港贸易发展局设计动力 (2011、2016)、亚洲最影响力设计大奖(2015、2016)等。

Gary Tsang – Creative Director. A visionary Sportswear Designer and Fashion illustrator . Gary Tsang is an ardent athlete on a mountain bicycle and was a representative of Regions for International Competition. Intergrated such inspiration in the design of functional sportswear and fashion style illustration aesthetic. A sports enthusiast and his diverse interests lead Gary to involve in a variety of collaborative projects such as Creative arts , sportswear collection and the fashion style illustration that imply with positive message and try to deliver the “Believe” from his inner vision and share to the world of people around.Gary Tsang also won numerous awards and prizes such as the Global Design Award 2011 & 2016, Hong Kong Jockey Club Most Design Project 2016, Design for Asia award 2016 and the Hong Kong Creative Force 2011 & 2016.